Here’s a step-by-step guide for taking measurement and send them to us:

Materials Needed:

  • Measuring tape (preferably a retractable one)
  • Pen and paper for recording measurements
  • Graph paper or a printable grid template (optional but helpful for drawing to scale)


  1. Prepare the Room:
    • Clear the room of any obstacles or furniture that might obstruct your measurements.
    • Make sure all doors and windows are accessible and open, if necessary.
  2. Gather Supplies:
    • Have a measuring tape, pen, and paper ready.
  3. Start with Room Dimensions:
    • Measure the length of each wall by placing the measuring tape at one corner and extending it to the opposite corner. This will give the overall size of the room.
    • Record the measurements for each wall.
    • Measure the height of the walls from the floor to the ceiling.
    • If there are doors or windows on the wall, detail the measurements from the corner to the window opening and from the corner to the door opening. If there are frames around the window or door, include them in the measurement of the wall. Do not include the frame in the dimensions of the opening.
  4. Measure Doors:
    • Measure the width and height of each door (excluding the frame).
    • Note the location of each door.
  5. Measure Windows:
    • Measure the width and height of each window (excluding the frame).
    • Note the location of each window.
    • Measure the distance from the floor to the bottom of each window.
  6. Include Other Features:
    • If there are built-in features like closets or built-in shelves, measure and note their dimensions and location.
    • If there are architectural features such as columns or fireplaces, include their dimensions and positions in the room.
  7. Take Pictures:
    • If possible, take photos of each wall and its openings (doors and windows) for reference. This can help clarify measurements.
  8. Draw a Rough Sketch:
    • On a piece of paper or using a floor plan template, draw a rough sketch of the room.
    • Mark the dimensions of the walls, doors, windows, and any other features you measured.
    • Use a scale (e.g., 1/4 inch represents 1 foot) to draw the sketch to scale if using graph paper.
  9. Label Everything:
    • Clearly label each wall, door, and window on your sketch with the corresponding measurements.
    • Include any additional notes or details that might be relevant.
  10. Double-Check Measurements:
    • Before sending the measurements, double-check your recorded numbers to ensure accuracy.
  11. Send the Measurements:
    • Share the room measurements, sketches, and photos (if taken) with your floor plan designer or service provider. You can use email or a file-sharing platform for this purpose.

By following these steps, you will be able to provide us with accurate room and opening measurements, making it possible for us to create an accurate floor plan for your space.

Try to be as precise as possible, as even small errors in measurements can affect the final floor plan’s accuracy.

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